Category Archives: Sawatch Range

Summer Peakbagging Kickoff

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Ski season ended on a high note as we kept up tradition with our 9th annual Torreys season finale party at the end of May. Then with a pair of races slated for August and September (that may actually happen, like for real) it was time to start ramping up the running miles as trails dried out throughout the valley. Aside from all of that though, summer peakbagging days are always calling my name this time of year and I’ve managed to get out for several fun outings up high over the past few weeks. Read more…

Gore, HCW and Eagle-Vail Trail Runs

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As the snow falls outside with summer pretty definitively in the rear view, I thought it would be fun to look back on a few of the better trail run adventures Anna-Lisa and I did over the latter part of the season. Amidst trying to wrap up my last few Bicentennial 13ers this fall, we were able to get out and explore several local Gore and Holy Cross Wilderness trails. Keep reading…

Indy Pass Ski Descents: Blue, Deer, and Mountain Boy

With this year’s crazy snow totals still lingering in Colorado’s high country, and Independence Pass open on June 1st, it was time to head up there and do some skiing. On Saturday the 8th Mitchell and I skied the east face of “Mountain Boy Peak”, the prominent face visible from 82 as you approach the pass from the east. Keep reading…

“Mascot Peak”

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On Saturday Steve and I got out for what will probably be our (or at least my) last 13er summit of the year. Cold temps and an encouraging start to snow season conspired to shut down the fall peakbagging window a few weeks early this year. So in place of a few bigger goals we were trying to sneak in before the season change, we found ourselves just looking for an easy outing. “Mascot Peak” next to Mt. Yale made for a fun, quick morning leg-stretcher, capped off by a few ales at Eddyline to officially wrap things up. Keep reading…